by Alison Gitelson | 24 Jun 2016 | Uncategorised
A friend came for supper after we’d moved house. Whilst showing her around I mentioned that I wanted to sell my old TV and get a new small, flat screen one to fit into the bedroom. Shortly afterwards she received an e-flyer advertising a limited special on TVs from a...
by Alison Gitelson | 5 Jan 2013 | Uncategorised
The other day my daughter described something in her life that sounded like a problem. When she finished I remained quiet, processing what she’d said. She then went on to say, “You don’t need to solve it, I just needed to say it.” I was quite relieved! I had been...
by Alison Gitelson | 20 Aug 2012 | Uncategorised
All the wonderful athletes at the recent Olympics have many qualities that lead to their success, one of which is probably stoicism. But stoicism is not always appropriate.“I’ve been sick for two weeks. I just can’t seem to get better.” “I’ve had a cold/flu for over a...
by Alison Gitelson | 15 Jul 2012 | Uncategorised
A client in a senior management position recently came to me for a couple of sessions after being over looked for a promotion. Her boss told her that although she was highly qualified and did very good work, she “didn’t make her presence felt” in meetings or...