by Alison Gitelson | 29 Jul 2012 | Uncategorised
“Achieving success at work & in life, one conversation at a time”. This is the subtitle of a book called “Fierce Conversations” that I am reading. Robustconversations are very important but I’d like to paraphrase Susan Scott and say “Achieving success at work...
by Alison Gitelson | 10 Sep 2010 | Uncategorised
I often tell this story when working with people.Many find it helps them to accept that others have their own growth paths to walk – that often we can best help our children, family, friends by being supportive and encouraging but NOT...
by Alison Gitelson | 23 Apr 2010 | Uncategorised
Last Sunday morning after breakfast, I heard intermittent noises from outside on the driveway – metal clanging on paving. Having got myself ready to go and fetch my son from a rugby camp I met my husband in the doorway. He had just finished rotating the tyres on my...