by Alison Gitelson | 6 Nov 2008 | Self Leadership
Kairos Time Comments Being a person who believes in synchronicity, it is no accident that the two banks I have banked with have now taken slogans that describe my approach to life.“make things happen” and then “inspired, motivated, involved” In 1976, before Soweto...
by Alison Gitelson | 6 Nov 2008 | Leader-Management
Healthy GI Comments Butter is bad for you. Butter’s better than margarine. Red meat’s bad – eat soya. Most soya is genetically modified. You don’t know what problems that might cause. Advice on what is or isn’t healthy to eat is highly confusing and contradictory. But...
by Alison Gitelson | 7 Oct 2008 | Self Leadership, Uncategorised
Empty nest syndrome. It doesn’t just start when the children leave home, it starts much earlier. And for those who don’t have children what would your nest be like without your life partner? Or for those who are married to their jobs, what would your life be like...