Exclusive Books has just published their list of the 110 best selling books for 2008.
The top four are all books about searching – searching for happiness, purpose, meaning, self fulfillment, abundance. They are all books in some way related to self development and to either finding what you want within the life you already have or turning that life upside down to create a new one that has more meaning or fulfillment.
Then The Shack, Kite Runner and Shantaram are in the next five – all books that call the reader to think, reflect on their lives and on the human race.
Ten years ago this list would have looked very different. It is not just that these books are being written. It’s that there is a need for them. An audience just waiting to buy and embrace them. Wanting to be challenged to think beyond the basics of getting up, going to work, eating supper and going to sleep.
Not one of the top ten in the list is a true novel. Those that are labelled fiction, are all in fact based on true experiences.
What is it about the new millenium that has awakened so many more people? Is it the age of aquarius – the searching for knowledge? A universal consciousness?
I don’t know, but I am so pleased. My purpose is to be a facilitator for people wanting to be the best they can be. And to help people understand themselves and others so as to work together in productive harmony. There are now so many more opportunities for me to walk alongside those whose journey touches mine.
Here is the top 10 list
1. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Elizabeth Gilbert
2. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose Eckhart Tolle
3. The Secret Rhonda Byrne
4. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Robin S. Sharma
5. Spud John van de Ruit
6. The Shack William P. Young
7. The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini
8. In Black and White: The Jake White Story Jake White & Craig Ray
9. Shantaram Gregory David Roberts
10. After the Party Andrew Feinstein
To view the rest of the list go to http://www.exclusivebooks.com/features/2008top100.php