“Hier kom kak” – my friend Luewellyn’s words greeted me as I opened my Facebook page. I looked to see what they referred to and was lead to the news 24 stories of Eugene Terreblanche’s murder.
I don’t often write on political matters but I was struck by the immediate fear that I felt for our country. And then how my mind jumped right back to 10 April 1993 – driving to the Vaal River on that Easter Saturday and hearing that Chris Hani had been assassinated.
My fear turned to possibilities for hope.
In April 1993 we thought “here come’s big trouble” but as a country we pulled through that. We can pull through this as well.
Afriforum and Solidarity have both called for calm – a most positive response. On the other side of the spectrum President Zuma has called for restraint. If Malema can keep his mouth shut, the ANC backs off from the court case challenging the banning of “kill the boer” and the leaders of Afriforum and Solidarity are influential enough to hold their members, we can weather this storm.