A lot has been said and written about the London Olympics so I wasn’t going to say anything but there are just two wonderful stories from medal winners which I want to quickly share with you. They are fabulous examples of how we influence our own lives with our thoughts and drawings or scribbles.
“I want to say that I beat him. I want to go out there and beat the best. To be the best means racing the greatest that’s ever been.” said Chad le Clos prior to the Olympics. (I love
his positive language and his focus.) About Phelps he said, “Ever since 2004 when he won six gold medals, he has been an inspiration and role model.” “I have all his major races on my computer, I think I have watched the 100m butterfly Beijing final, when he beat Cavic by 0.01 seconds, a million times. I have it in seven different languages.”
Now years ago I was told if you want to be successful pick a person in your field that you admire, and feel what it is like to be them.
Here is what Chad said after he won the gold and beat Phelps, “I felt like him, swimming that last 50 I felt like I was Phelps,” “I always wanted to swim in an Olympic Games
and I wanted to be like him.” It seems it worked for him!
And here is a story about the enormous power of putting your dreams and inspirations onto paper: