Experiencing the universe in action

This week I had the amazing opportunity to be connected with someone, and to see why, within hours.

It started with me receiving an e-mail advertising a charitable function. I had received this before and knew I was already committed for that evening.

This time my attention was drawn to the name of the founder of the NGO. Lets call her Sarah. There was familiarity in the name and I felt drawn to check if I had met her. She wasn’t in my contact database so I googled (how else does one find people these days :-)).

I found her LinkedIn profile. My eye was drawn to the education block. Over ten years ago she had been at the same school as my daughter now attends. I am on the parent committee of that school and had been at the AGM just the night before.

This was too many coincidences. I had to make some sort of contact. So I sent an SMS to the number on the invite explaining the link and asking to connect on LinkedIn.
She replied immediately and I sent the invite.

About an hour later my cell phone rang. It was Sarah. She was having trouble replying to my LinkedIn invite. Shortly thereafter she was pouring out her frustrations and concerns about making the fundraiser a success – sharing how she had been in tears the night before. We chatted for awhile about things she could do. Nearly half an hour later we rang off with her sounding calmer and refocussed.

So often we meet people in unusual ways and in some cases years later I haven’t come across the reason why that connection occured. This time I had the answer so quickly. It was awesome to be able to play a roll in the universe’s fulfillment of a need.


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